MK Chaptstick
Mango butter- used for its Vitamin A and E and also helps protect skin from environmental factors like
sunlight, pollution and even blue screens.
Shea butter- used to heal the skin and for its anti-aging and antioxidants.
Cocoa butter- Cocoa butter contains high amounts of fatty acids, which help to hydrate the skin. The
fat from cocoa butter creates a protective barrier that holds moisture in and prevents the skin from
Coconut oil- used to help hydrate and for its antioxidants
Beeswax- used to form a protective barrier on the skin and to assist in protecting from environmental
irritants and weather.
Vitamin E oil
Rosehip seed oil- used for its carotenoids that help create new skin cells, this contains Vitamin F which
helps trap moisture in your skin to help fight skin damage.
Mint essential oil- used to soothe inflammation and irritation, as well as peeling. Its also the scent of
this moisturizer.